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If you are not a serious student, do not go to Veronica! She is absolutely amazing and one of the most truthful and honest teachers I have encountered. Ms. Bell takes true pride in the successes of her students. She lets the student discover who they are, and once they define where they want to be, she approaches each lesson masterfully to achieve the desired results. Mrs. Bell saved my daughter's voice. It is not a sprint, it is a marathon, and I hope to see her sing forever! Also, Ms. Bell has live-streaming concert series on Sundays; she is an absolute gem; her voice is angelic and powerful!

                                                                                                   D. Teteris, the student's mother

Veronica is amazing! Her breath control and placement technique has given my voice power and range. You won't believe the results. Veronica Bell is my one and only vocal coach.

                                                                                                       J. Moser, coloratura soprano

I am a musician primarily specializing in rock and metal and was looking to improve my vocal performance and tone. Veronica is a classically trained soprano, so based on appearances alone, she wouldn't have been my first choice, but once we started working together, I quickly realized that she has vocal secrets that apply to any and every style, and she's got plenty!
She also helped me bring out my unique vocal strengths and hone my range, but that was expected with someone of her skill level. Money well spent!


                                                                                            D. Serper, singer/guitarist/producer





 " A fifty-two-year-old man asked me for voice lessons to help him prepare for a solo audition in his choir. At our first meeting, I discovered that he had a beautiful baritone, but his range didn't exceed one octave. Needless to say, it didn't allow him to sing even the simplest repertoire. We started practicing twice a week slowly and carefully, going through basic exercises and adding one note at a time to his range.

     A few months later, he felt confident enough to audition. He didn't get the solo but kept taking lessons "as a matter of pride," and in about a year, expanded his range to two full octaves. One day, while practicing his first operatic aria, he exclaimed: "Singing is so easy when you do it right!"



     Classically trained, award-winning vocalist Veronica Bell has performed as a soloist in Europe, Asia, Russia, and the United States for over 20 years. She applies her talent to opera, oratorio, and other musical genres, such as musical theater and cabaret. Her experience as a professional singer allows her to understand the challenges that vocalists face every day: running out of breath, having trouble with projection and pitch, or straining while trying to reach a high or low note.     


     "There is no magic bullet in learning vocal technique," Veronica says. "It takes time and patience of both the student and the teacher, but ways of improvement are not very complicated and are never out of reach. Singing, in many aspects, is like talking: in both cases, we produce the sound. The difference is that when we talk, we choose the pitch ourselves; when we sing, we follow the tone selected for us by a composer. Finding the connection between talking and singing helps to get the breath under control, brighten the sound, and free the top and bottom registers.


     My responsibility as a voice teacher is to take the mystery out of vocal technique and help solve problems; my students' responsibility is to keep open-minded, pay attention, stay positive, and PRACTICE. Every singer I have ever coached who followed those rules came out of my studio with significant improvements in technique and much self-confidence, whether a beginner or an experienced professional."


     Veronica's approach to teaching voice is different from many other coaches. She doesn't force the technique on her students, overwhelming them with complicated details. On the contrary, like a "vocal therapist," she gently guides singers through the lesson toward finding a place where the correct technique becomes second nature and a place of comfort. "The main goal of each lesson is not to work hard but to work more efficiently with better results," she says. "In the words of one of my students, singing is easy when you do it right, and that's the only way it should be."

Ms. Bell's students have graduated from the best music schools in the US and abroad, such as Curtis School of Music, New England Conservatory, Indiana University, San Francisco Conservatory, Oberlin Conservatory, British Royal Academy, and the Manhattan School of Music, and enjoy successful professional careers. 


Veronica Bell at BELL VOICE STUDIO provides private vocal instructions to students

of all levels and abilities.

Main principles:

  • Personal approach

  • Making difficult easy and confusing - understandable

  • Relentless attention to detail


The focus of training is on the fundamentals of vocal technique:

  • breath control and support

  • extension of vocal range

  • improvement of color and tone of voice

  • easy projection

  • vocal longevity

  • healthy vibrato and reduction of  "vocal wobble" 


Each lesson is carefully crafted to the individual needs of the singer and the style of music.




HALF HOUR (30 MIN) $75



Additional services include:

  • preparation for performance

  • preparation for recordings

  • album production 

  • audition prep 

  • repertoire development

  • stage presence




Los Angeles, CA 


Bell Voice Studio has resumed in-person lessons with the proof of vaccination.

Online lessons are still available for all long-distance and international students

and everyone who prefers remote learning.

© 2024 Veronica Bell Sopran

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